The publications provided on this page are part of the Language Resource and Evaluation Conference (LREC) proceedings that are published by the European Language Resources Association (ELRA). They are available online from the conference website. The LREC 2016 Proceedings are licensed under CC-BY-NC, the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

For your convenience, we have split the original proceeings into one-file-per-submission and have created BibTeX the files linked below.

Opening Session

09.00 – 09.10
09.10 – 10.00
Interoperability - Can a model driven approach help to overcome organizational constraints?
Alessandro di Bari

Alessandro Di Bari is an IBM Executive/Senior Certified application architect. He developed great experience in the application development field from both development process and application architecture point of view. Starting from a deep involvement with modeling languages, he achieved significant results in the Model Driven Development (MDD) space, developing Domain Specific Languages for industries such as insurance. Since 2011, he works in the NLP/cognitive field, successfully applies his MDD skills in this field and also published several papers on this topic. Since 2014, he works for the IBM Watson Cognitive Healthcare in the T.J. Watson research center in New York, USA.

Lightning talks part I

5 minutes per talk, slides optional

10.00 – 10.30

Aggregating Research Papers from Publishers’ Systems to Support Text and Data Mining: Deliberate Lack of Interoperability or Not?
Petr Knoth and Nancy Pontika

Alveo: making data accessible through a unified interface – a pipe-dream?
Dominique Estival

The Language Application Grid
Nancy Ide, Keith Suderman, James Pustejovsky, Marc Verhagen, Christopher Cieri and Eric Nyberg

Interoperability of corpus processing work-flow engines: the case of AlvisNLP/ML in OpenMinTeD
Mouhamadou Ba and Robert Bossy

Integration of UIMA Text Mining Components into an Event-based Asynchronous Microservice Architecture
Sven Hodapp, Sumit Madan, Juliane Fluck and Marc Zimmermann

Interoperability = f(community, division of labour)
Richard Eckart de Castilho

10.30 – 11.00
Coffee break

Lightning talks part II

5 minutes per talk, slides optional

11.00 – 11.45

Linked Data and Text Mining as an Enabler for Reproducible Research
John P. McCrae, Georgeta Bordea and Paul Buitelaar

Tackling Resource Interoperability: Principles, Strategies and Models
Wim Peters

The DDINCBI Corpus — Towards a Larger Resource for Drug-Drug Interactions in PubMed
Lana Yeganova, Sun Kim, Grigory Balasanov, Kristin Bennett, Haibin Liu and W. John Wilbur

Multilingual Event Detection using the NewsReader pipelines
Rodrigo Agerri, Itziar Aldabe, Egoitz Laparra, German Rigau, Antske Fokkens, Paul Huijgen, Marieke van Erp, Ruben Izquierdo Bevia, Piek Vossen, Anne-Lyse Minard and Bernardo Magnini

Emotion Detection using Online Machine Learning Method and TLBO on Mixed Script
Shashank Sharma, PYKL Srinivas and Rakesh Balabantaray

Text mining for notability computation
Gil Francopoulo, Joseph Mariani and Patrick Paroubek

Why We Need a Text and Data Mining Exception (but it is not enough)
Thomas Margoni and Giulia Dore

Legal Interoperability Issues in the Framework of the OpenMinTeD Project: a Methodological Overview
Penny Labropoulou, Stelios Piperidis and Thomas Margoni

eInfrastructures: crossing boundaries, discovering common work, achieving common goals
Hege van Dijke and Stelios Piperidis

Discussion rounds I

11.45 – 12.00
Constitution of breakout groups
12.00 – 13.00
Breakout groups – suggested topics
- Discovery of content and access to content
- Interoperability across tools, frameworks, and platforms
- Interoperability across language resources and knowledge resources
- Legal and policy issues
- Interoperability in multi-lingual and cross-lingual scenarios
- eInfrastructures
13.00 – 14.00
Lunch break

Discussion rounds II

14.00 – 16.00
Breakout groups – continued
16.00 – 16.30
Coffee break

Closing session

16.30 – 18.00
Presentation of the breakout groups results
Plenary discussion
End of workshop

eInfrastructures: crossing boundaries, discovering common work, achieving common goals

Embedded in the INTEROP 2016 workshop, the eInfrastructures workshop is a sub-event realized as one of breakout groups of the main workshop.

Moderators: Stelios Piperidis (Athena Research Centre), Hege van Dijke (LIBER Europe)

The quantity and variety of digital research data of all types, the increasing number of solutions for mining such data to discover new knowledge, the variety of requirements of users of such data min-ing tools and services pose new challenges to the numerous infrastructural initiatives. When it comes to language data and processing, we experience multiple efforts towards generic or domain specific platforms for data aggregation and delivery, tools and services discovery, workflows or-chestration and execution. Common questions in these efforts consist in interoperability at different levels: metadata of language resources and annotations, data representations and vocabularies, ser-vices across platforms and frameworks, cloud computing infrastructures, access restrictions and permissions for certain operations. In this session, we bring together strategic players in order to discuss parallel efforts being undertaken and opportunities for long-term harmonisation and stra-tegic collaboration among existing (and future) e-Infrastructures in Europe, and the world at large, with a focus on, inter alia:

  • What are the necessary strategies to enable crossing the boundaries of platforms, scientific domains, languages, national legislations?
  • What can we learn from similar attempts so far?
  • What can the research community do to promote these goals?
  • What sort of alliances and policies are necessary to support overcoming the current barriers?